西雅图烟斗俱乐部的 Plum Pudding Special Reserve 是一款优质烟斗烟草混合物,装在 113.4 克(4 盎司)的罐子里。这款混合物是原版 Plum Pudding 的限量版,采用稀有且陈年的烟草,带来更丰富、更复杂的吸烟体验。 主要特点: 混合: 混合烟草包括拉塔基亚烟草、土耳其东方烟草、弗吉尼亚烟草、佩里克烟草和黑卡文迪什烟草。这种组合创造出一种烟熏、辛辣和略带甜味的风味。 包装: 烟草被压成饼状,陈化时间比原来的梅子布丁更长。然后切成块状,您可以根据需要将其切成薄片或弄碎。 香气: 吸烟者经常将这种香气描述为浓郁而诱人的,带有篝火烟雾、香料和一丝甜味的味道。 味道: 口感中等至浓郁,带有烟熏拉塔基亚烟草、甜美弗吉尼亚烟草和辛辣东方烟草的味道。该混合烟草以其柔滑、奶油般的烟熏味而闻名,具有层次感。 切: 插头切割可实现缓慢、凉爽的燃烧,从而增强整体吸烟体验。 对于那些喜欢均衡且味道鲜美的烟的人来说,这种混合物是完美的选择。
西雅图烟斗俱乐部的李子布丁波本桶陈酿是其广受欢迎的李子布丁混合酒的特别版,装在 56.7 克(2 盎司)的罐子里。这种混合酒以其独特的陈酿工艺和浓郁的风味而闻名。 主要特点: 混合: 这种混合烟草包括拉塔基亚、土耳其东方烟草、弗吉尼亚烟草、卡文迪什烟草和佩里克烟草。烟草在肯塔基州烧焦的橡木波本桶中陈化 30 天,使混合烟草具有独特的波本风味。 包装: 烟草被压成块状,然后切成碎块,便于拿取和吸食。每个罐子里都包含一块波本威士忌桶板,以保留混合烟草的独特风味。 香气: 吸烟者经常将这种香气描述为复杂而诱人的,带有波本威士忌陈酿过程中产生的烟熏味、辛辣味和甜味。 味道: 口感中等至浓郁,带有烟熏拉塔基亚烟草、甜美弗吉尼亚烟草和淡淡的波本威士忌风味。该混合烟草以顺滑、奶油般的烟熏风味而闻名,具有层次丰富的复杂性。 切: 碎裂的凯克切片可以使燃烧缓慢、凉爽,从而增强整体吸烟体验。 对于那些喜欢浓郁、带有波旁威士忌味道的烟味的人来说,这种混合烟是完美的选择。
Sutliff- 113.4克的Hogshead Tin
西雅图烟斗俱乐部的 Hogshead 是一款出色的烟斗烟草混合物,装在 113.4 克(4 盎司)的锡罐中。这款混合物是他们的 Signature 系列的一部分,在烟斗吸烟者中备受推崇。 主要特点: 混合: Hogshead 是一款纯正的弗吉尼亚混合烟,由来自非洲、巴西和美国的 10 年陈橙弗吉尼亚烟和红弗吉尼亚烟混合而成。这种混合烟以其浓郁而复杂的风味而闻名。 包装: 烟草呈密实的塞状,易于切片和揉搓吸食。113.4克的锡罐可确保烟草保持新鲜并方便储存。 香气: 其香气被描述为甜美的柑橘味,带有发酵无花果的味道,散发出令人愉悦和诱人的香味。 味道: 吸烟者可以期待中等至浓郁的口感,带有酸味和浓郁的柑橘、面包、泥土和一丝深色水果的味道。混合酒还含有淡淡的香料和醋味,增加了其复杂性。 切: 插头切割可实现缓慢、凉爽的燃烧,从而增强整体吸烟体验。 对于那些欣赏优质弗吉尼亚烟草细腻口味的人来说,这种混合物是完美的选择。
西雅图烟斗俱乐部的 Plum Pudding 是一款备受好评的烟斗烟草混合物,装在 56.7 克(2 盎司)的罐子里。这种混合物以其丰富而复杂的风味而闻名,深受烟斗吸烟者的喜爱。 主要特点: 混合: 梅子布丁是一种英式巴尔干混合烟草,包括拉塔基亚烟草、土耳其东方烟草、弗吉尼亚烟草、佩里克烟草和黑卡文迪什烟草。这种组合创造出一种烟熏、辛辣和略带甜味的风味。 包装: 烟草被压成碎块状,易于掰开并装入烟斗。56.7克的锡罐确保烟草保持新鲜并方便储存。 香气: 吸烟者经常将这种香气描述为浓郁而诱人的,带有篝火烟雾、香料和一丝甜味的味道。 味道: 口感中等至浓郁,带有烟熏拉塔基亚烟草、甜美弗吉尼亚烟草和辛辣东方烟草的味道。该混合烟草以其柔滑、奶油般的烟熏味而闻名,具有层次感。 切: 碎块蛋糕切片可实现缓慢、凉爽的燃烧,增强整体吸烟体验。 对于那些喜欢均衡且味道鲜美的烟的人来说,这种混合物是完美的选择。
Seattle Pipe Club's "Give Me Liberty" Signature Series is a premium pipe tobacco blend that comes in a 113.4 gram box. This blend is crafted to offer a unique and enjoyable smoking experience. Key Features: Blend: "Give Me Liberty" is known for its rich blend of Virginia, Burley, and Oriental tobaccos. This combination provides a balanced flavor profile with notes of sweetness, nuttiness, and a hint of spice. Packaging: The 113.4 gram box is designed for convenience and freshness, ensuring that the tobacco remains in optimal condition. Aroma: Smokers often describe the aroma as pleasant and inviting, with a mix of earthy and sweet scents. Cut: The tobacco is typically presented in a ribbon cut, making it easy to pack and smoke. This blend is part of Seattle Pipe Club's Signature Series, which is known for its high-quality and carefully selected tobaccos.
Seattle Pipe Club's Mississippi River Special Reserve is a premium pipe tobacco blend that comes in a 113.4 gram (4 oz) box. This blend is a limited-edition version of the popular Mississippi River blend, featuring rare, well-aged Virginias for a richer and smoother flavor. Key Features: Blend: The blend includes Virginias, Latakia, Oriental, and St. James Perique tobaccos. This combination provides a complex and balanced flavor profile with notes of dark fruit, wood, and spice. Packaging: The tobacco is pressed into cakes, aged, and cut into plugs for easy handling. The 113.4 gram box ensures the tobacco stays fresh and is convenient for storage. Aroma: Smokers often describe the aroma as smooth, creamy, and rich, with hints of dried fruits and a touch of dark chocolate. Flavor: Expect a medium to full-bodied taste with flavors of tangy dark fruit, wood, and a touch of spice. The blend is known for its smooth and creamy smoke. Cut: The plug cut allows for a slow, cool burn, enhancing the overall smoking experience. This blend is perfect for those who appreciate the nuanced flavors of high-quality tobaccos.
Sutliff-西雅图管俱乐部疾驰的Gertie 56.7克盒子
Seattle Pipe Club's Galloping Gertie is a unique pipe tobacco blend named after the famous Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The 56.7 gram box contains a carefully crafted mixture of tobaccos designed to provide a rich and satisfying smoking experience. Key Features: Blend: Galloping Gertie is known for its complex blend of Latakia, Virginia, and Oriental tobaccos. This combination creates a smoky, spicy, and slightly sweet flavor profile. Packaging: The tobacco comes in a 56.7 gram box, which is convenient for storage and keeps the tobacco fresh. Aroma: Smokers often describe the aroma as robust and earthy, with hints of sweetness from the Virginia tobacco. Cut: The tobacco is typically presented in a ribbon cut, making it easy to pack into a pipe and ensuring a consistent burn. This blend is popular among pipe smokers who appreciate a well-balanced and flavorful smoke.